Basic security
Here are four basic cycling tips
Stay in control
The following tips are the things you can do to keep control of your bicycle, even in an emergency:
- Make sure your bike is the right size and is properly adjusted to fit you.
- Make sure the bicycle is properly mounted and comfortable
- Our staff can help you choose the correct size bicycle.
- Make sure the bicycle is in good condition
Protect yourself
Properly fitted helmets offer protection from life-threatening head injuries. By law, cyclists under the age of 18 must wear a bicycle helmet while driving on a public road.
Wear the helmet according to the rental instructions.

Be visible and careful
Even if you respect all traffic laws, always be careful about driving.
- Slows down for vehicles waiting for stop signs, driveways or parking lots.
- Use manual signs before making turns or changing lanes to warn traffic around you.
Drive in a safe lane position
Drive in the same direction of traffic in order to be more visible to motorists entering the streets or changing lanes in the following scenarios:
- Pass a vehicle or another bicycle.
- Prepare to turn left at an intersection.
- When a lane is too narrow for a bicycle
- When approaching a right turn.
- If the road is one way with two or more lanes.
Included with bike rental:
General conditions of the lease
The price of the rental of the bicycles is established according to the rates published on the website of or displayed at the collection and delivery points of the Leuca City Tour bikes, in force at the time of booking or according to the agreements made with the customer.
The price of the bicycle rental and any other amount of money related to the service (e.g. example for the R.C. or accessories) must be paid before delivery of the bicycle.
b. If for any reason the bicycle (s) rented cannot be used, Leuca City Tour or Leuca Bici Tour do not assume responsibility for costs or consequential damages.
c. In the case of article 2b, the Customer is obliged to pay the total amount of the rental and any other amount indicated on the invoice, according to the General Conditions, unless the customer can try that the reasons for not using the bicycle are due to a defect already present at the beginning of rental period.
to. The rental period runs from the day of delivery of the vehicle to delivery in compliance with the time slots in force at the time of booking; it is possible to extend the previous rental period agreement with the Management.
b. An extension of the rental period is possible after approval by Leuca City Tour o Leuca Bici Tour and according to the rental rates indicated in article 1.
c. No refund of money is possible after the delivery of the bicycle. If the bicycle comes returned before the end of the agreed period there can be no refund.
d. The return of the bicycle must take place on the day and at the time established in the contract, subject to prior notice
verification of the state of the vehicle by the staff in charge;
e. If the bicycle (s) are not returned at the time established in the booking confirmation and / or in contract, the cost of a one day rental reduced by 50% for the first hour of delay; if the late delivery exceeds one hour, the established daily rates will be applied in article 1 with an additional fine of € 25.00 per day. Leuca City Tour and Leuca Bici Tour reserves itselfthe right to demand reimbursement of any expense or damage suffered due to delayed return of the rented bicycle (s).
f. Leuca City Tour and Leuca Bici Tour reserves the right to terminate the contract and ask for the return of bicycles in the event that the customer does not comply with these conditions.
g. The Italian text of these general conditions prevails, in case of diversity, over the English text because it expresses the exact will of the parties.
to. The bicycle (s) may only be used for the purposes and by the person (s) mentioned in the contract location that will take care to wear the protective helmet supplied with the bike.
b. The bicycle (s) and protective helmets must be returned in the same (clean!) Condition in which have been delivered.
c. Bicycles must be treated with extreme care, taking all necessary precautions so that they are not damaged, lost or stolen.
d. Bicycles must be used only on cycle paths and / or on asphalted roads (not off-road) in compliance with current traffic regulations.
The person who rented the bicycle (s) is considered responsible for the damage, loss of the bicycle or any of its parts, including the chain and the lock, and will have to refund the value according to market prices. It is important to remember that there is no insurance coverage for the vehicle and the driver, but only the right to take out R.C. insurance coverage as indicated below.
Any type of payment or tax relating to the rental of bicycles such as, for example, the cost of any fines will be borne by the person who rented the bicycle. Expenses related to the use of bicycles, such as puncture repairs, are charged to the customer.
For any disputes concerning the leases and / or the application of these conditions as of now yes indicates, also in derogation to the provisions of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 "Code of the consumption, in accordance with article 7 of law no. 229 ", the Lecce forum.
A couple of rules
Stay in the right lane: use the lane on the right side of the road. Do not ride on pedestrian paths, shopping streets, sidewalks or highways.
Do not park your bike anywhere: Always lock your bicycle safely and do not park on the street or in the path reserved for pedestrians.
Avoid being an obstacle for other types of traffic: Look before crossing, so as not to turn or stop suddenly. Do not tick off parked vehicles; you have to make others understand what you are thinking of doing - making hand signals and making eye contact.